For the most current, finished and upcoming work, please scroll down below the invitation, and below Heart Cries
Invitation to receive Jesus as your Savior and learn to live His ways.

Riley_Lani_Brown3The Bible, the true Word of God, tells us that God our Father loves all people, but also makes it clear in Romans 3:23,”all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

So to reconcile mankind to Himself, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ- the Savior to the earth, to live a perfect life, and become the atoning sacrifice for all our sin. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that who-so-ever believes in Him shall not perish (go to the eternal darkness of Hell), but instead shall have everlasting life (go to Heaven, where there is all love, joy and peace forever!).

Jesus, also known as Yeshua Himself declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6, and He also said “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20.

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him. He died for everyone—including you.  If you have not accepted Jesus as Your Savior/Redeemer, you can ask Him into your heart right now, and He will hear your sincere prayer of faith.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Thank you for paying the debt of my sin when upon the cross You shed your blood and you died for me.  You were burried in a barrowed tomb, and on the third day You arose from the dead appearing to many including the Apostles. Jesus (Yeshua) come into my heart and life today. Jesus I receive you as my one and only Savior. Please forgive me my sins, and show me Your will for my life. and life everlasting.”  Amen

You are now redeemed.

Scripture also asks everyone of us to be baptized-immersed in water.  Baptism is our public testimony of being buried with Christ (as when He was buried after He was crucified) and raised to walk in newness of life when He arose from the dead alive, and into eternal life). You can be baptized here. It is the “holy sealing” of your faith.

If you did this and believe in your heart that He is your Lord, ask Jesus also to baptize you with His Holy Spirit. In this cause He will endue you with power, which is the ability to serve Him and His Church, and live a Holy Life. In the Bible in Acts 19:2-6 it explains what happens to you when you have received the baptism with Holy Spirit. It is “Wonderful” when Our Heavenly Father open’s His heart and gives you His Spirit in full measure!


Other important scripture: Romans 10:9 & 10 “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (have everlasting life). For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you will be saved.”

If you have just asked Jesus into your heart, send us an email from our contact page and tell us, and include prayer requests so we may lift you to our Heavenly Father.

If you have another praise, such as when you received Jesus you were healed, tell us about it also. Please leave your contact email and we will be in contact with you. Also, If you need a Bible tell us and we will send one. And lastly find a church that teaches the whole Bible as truth for today.

If you visit or live in Boise, Idaho area, I am currently fellowshipping at “River House Church” which meets in the Vineyard Church building at 4 pm Sundays in the area of town called Garden City.  River House is a vibrant growing, praying, miracles, signs and wonders experiencing part of the Body of Christ/Messiah.

In 1991  I received baptism with the Holy Spirit and entered the ‘be holy for I am holy’ crucible. 1994 the Lord spoke aloud to me to start a house church. In 1999 when He trained us ready, He sent my wife and I around the world to minister in 6 destinations the 6th being American Samoa. Then by the grace of our dear Lord in 2004, at the audible voice of the LORD, when we were applying for our third attempt at New Zealand residency, the Lord spoke “Riley, if your dad had received his call to New Zealand, you would have been born here, and residency would not be an issue.” I was stunned! I did not know my dad was called to New Zealand. My dad died at age 52. The Lord offered and I accepted His call and commissioning to minister to New Zealand and the South Pacific island countries. Included as the Lord wills, as a Seer, I observe spiritual occurrences. Also, I have been blessed to be a part of working in the area of Miracles, Signs and Wonders. I am mildly prophetic. I do not speak in and of myself, but as the Lord speaks, I speak only what He gives me to say.

Scripture also asks everyone of us to be baptized-immersed in water.  Baptism is our public testimony of being buried with Christ (as when He was buried after He was crucified) and raised to walk in newness of life (when He arose from the dead into eternal life). You can be baptized here.

Note: Jesus is our only bridge between eternal death and our Heavenly  FATHER who gives ETERNAL LIFE.  Now that you have received JESUS as your Redeemer/Savior, you have eternal life with JESUS and Heavenly FATHER.  So, from now on worship and pray to our Heavenly FATHER in spirit and in truth (heartfelt earnest sincerity, and spiritual language),  always in Jesus; name.

FYI: Jesus is the English word for the rendition of the Latin form of the Greek word Yesous for Yeshua which is Hebrew. GOD is the Greek/English word for Yahweh-YHVH which is Hebrew. God is the Greek/English word for Elohim which is Hebrew. Yeshua was born a Hebrew, not a Greek or English.

Here is the true story: Yeshua/Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary and born of her. He-Jesus/Yeshua lived until He was about 34 and chose 12 men to be His disciples. Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified on a wooden cross shedding His blood to pay for our sins, He died upon that cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb, rose from the dead on the third day, appeared to His disciples and many others, and ascended up into Heaven to sit at the right hand of our Heavenly FATHER to intercede/pray for all the redeemed/saved-who received Him only as Lord. And, (in the end of all things) judge the living and the dead according to whether they have received and followed after him only or not.

Receive Jesus/Yeshua as your Redeemer/Savior, and when it is your turn to go be with Him in Heaven, you will have only love, joy and peace for eternity.  Blessings Beloved.

The simplicity of our “Creed” explains in brief our belief, that which forms our worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord Messiah Yeshua.

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.  We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ-Messiah Yeshua, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in resurrection from the dead, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His personal return in power and glory (second coming), and in His present day sending of Holy Spirit who trains us in the Way, the Truth and the Life in Christ-Messiah.

Jesus’-Yeshua’s death was vicarious (He died in our place) and atoning (He secured remission of our sins, which means He cancelled our debt of sins thus reconciling-restoring us to God our Father).  Our unreconciled sin is what separated us from God the Father.  Jesus-Yeshua came to offer restoration.  When you receive Yeshua-Jesus as your Savior, your Redeemer, you are reconciled, restored to Father God, and become a child of His eternal and everlasting Kingdom.  And when we who have received Jesus die here on earth, we will enter the Heaven Father GOD-YHVH created for those who received Jesus here on earth.  There is no other way for anyone to enter this glorious Heavenly Kingdom, but only through Jesus the Christ as your Savior.  Hell  awaits those who don’t receive Jesus. (Hell=total darkness and separation from God’s love, joy and peace for eternity).

Heart Cries

Among the many aspects of our ministry, we have a heart for widows and orphans. Since 1995 we have been supporting “Hand of Help Ministry and Orphanage”, and since 2013 also “Operation Blessing’s Orphan Outreach.

If you desire to give to these ministries, please do so directly.  (visit ‘Giving’ tab at top of website)

If the link does not work, just cut and past into address bar at the top of your computer screen and click.  Bless you.

What exactly do we do regarding Heart Cries?

Most times I/we are called out by Father,  we have no understanding of what we are to do or where we are to stay until we reach a destination and wait upon the Him.  He will then instruct us.  Then after a period of preparation, after He has prepared all parties (us and them), and/or locations for ministry, He connects us, ministers into the need and change occurs. Why? For the purpose of repairing a breach in His Kingdom on earth, making it more whole as it is in Heaven.  See the ‘Signs Follow’ link at top for demonstrations of His love and power.

When we are on assignment, sometimes Father treats us to a heavenly perk (my term), as shown below.

While ministering in British Columbia, Canada the Lord insisted we stay a few days in the “Fairmount, Chateau Whistler (castle)” as a gift from Him. Wow, thank you LORD!

I suspect most of you know, but may not really understand…the Lord, YHVH Yireh  or (Jehovah Jireh) is the Miraculous, it is who He is, not just what He does! When He asked us to stay here at this hotel, He miraculously provided the money.

Click link to see, or copy and paste to address bar:

“Current, Finished and Up Coming Ministry”

As many of you know, in 2004 our home owned with our family for nearly 25 years (and from where we ministered) on the mountain called Tabor, in Portland, Oregon was sold, and we became completely surrendered to follow the will of Father.  After 10 years ministering there, it was time for the Mt Tabor Fellowship Ministry to expand into the other leader’s homes around the city.  (Note: Mt Tabor in Israel is the Mt. of Transfiguration).

For us being surrendered and Lani passing into Jesus’-Yeshua’s loving embrace in Heaven, I have moved to Idaho to be with our son Will and family.

The scriptures speak of this regarding when Apostles-Disciples come to town. Matt 10:11-13. 11 “And whatever city or village you enter, inquire who is worthy in it, and stay at this house until you leave that city. 12″As you enter the house, give it your greeting. 13″If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace…”  The Lord is richly blessing our relationship with them giving me a permanent domicile, a place where I can go out and serve the Lord and return. That is a very good feeling to know there will always be a warm hearth and warm hearts to receive me when I return.

When Lani and I went overseas in 2015, we arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. There we were introduced to the Siava Family. They have a comfortable Home in Porirua that is designed for Ministers to sojourn. We resided there for 2.5 of the 3 months.  When we entered this home we greeted it and blessed it with peace and thus by the LORD, and it shall continue to be a blessing to others.


Though finished with most of our assignments in New Zealand and Menorah Prayer Mountain, and moving to Idaho, my heart still yearns to return to the land and region of the call of Yahweh on my/our life. Some years back Father Yahweh Himself spoke aloud asking me if I would accept His call to New Zealand. I accepted with joy! When we were last in New Zealand and the South Pacific, the Lord accomplished much for His Glory but not all.  Now, I must wait for the Lord to move upon New Zealand and the South Pacific island countries to re-open their boarders because of their closing due to the ‘devil’s work.’  To date the Lord has taken me seven times in the Spirit down under to minister with Him.  I even now have a vision of the South Pacific welling up in my heart…soon Lord? “Very soon!”

Why we went: In January 2014, March 2014 and August 2014, I (Riley) received  three reoccurring visions of one specific place (though different views) in New Zealand.  The Lord asked us to go and wait upon Him, which we did. During this work of ministry, the Lord fulfilled the need  regarding Heart Cries, so that the work shown me in the three visions could be and was completed.

Lani and I went to New Zealand January 27th, 2015 & returned April 27th, 2015.

In August 2015 I received yet another New Zealand vision & future assignments. 2016 through today March 15 & 19 and now two more in 2021, I have been preparing for a mission that will change the atmosphere in the region permanently the LORD says.

Though I am expecting to return to New Zealand and the South Pacific even before years end, the LORD is in charge, and when He is ready then I will be ready too.  For now and until then  Agree with me for the LORD’S Provision. Thank you LORD! “I love it when a plan comes together.”  (HANNIBLE from A-Team).    :o)

Ministry Update NOTICE: The Lord did send me to the South Pacific in March 2023 for at least a month. BUT, the Trip was Cut Short due to circumstances beyond my control. The Lord says I will return!

We so love & appreciate your prayers and declarations as lead by Holy Spirit regarding my return to the South Pacific. Bless you in advance in Jesus Love,  Brother Riley

In Yeshua’s precious love,

Rev. Riley D. Brown

Miracleship Ministries

c/o Riley D. Brown
2871 S. Ozark PL.
Boise, ID 83709
